AI Anthology

Dr. William Van Reyk

The best education is not generally narrow and utilitarian, simply preparing pupils and students for a particular job. Instead, education should be about training minds…

Dat Tran

Mit neuen Technologien wie dem Generieren von Bildern oder dem Stimmenklonen, muss man vorsichtig umgehen und deren Einsatz gut überlegen. Einen gewissen Grad an Regulierung halte ich inzwischen für notwendig…

Jeff Watkins

The democratisation of access to Generative AI late on in 2022 and excitement throughout 2023 took many of us by surprise and many self-proclaimed AI experts, startups and innovations popped up overnight…

Prof. Claudia Peus

Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir durch Kunst und Kultur Menschen auf ganz andere Art erreichen und anregen, über die Welt und uns selbst zu reflektieren und schließlich die Frage zu stellen, was es ausmacht, Mensch zu sein.

Meeri Haataja

This democratization has transitioned AI from the exclusive domain of a select few—mainly scientists and specialists who have dedicated their careers to AI—into a tool accessible to a broader audience.

Sukriti Bhattacharya

An intelligent future is about systems that support your brain in the right way, and 'right' is subjective. AI comes into play here because it has the potential to be non-biased—if it is non-biased, it's truly intelligent.

Peter van der Putten

Niels Bohr once said: “It is difficult to predict, especially the future”. Instead of trying to predict what will happen, we should focus on creating the future we desire.

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